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The name Elijah (Elias) means “whose God is YHWH”. King Ahab, convinced by his wife, re-instituted the cult of gods Baal and Astarte. Elijah told Ahab his kingdom would be punished with years of drought. Fearing Ahab’s anger, Elijah hid himself first near the Brook Cherith, where he was fed by a raven, and then in the widow’s house, where he made miracles: he restored to life woman’s son and multiplied the flour and oil. After years of drought, Elijah came back to Ahab and suggested him to pray to Baal for rain. Ahab and god’s 450 priests didn’t succeed to make rain, but Heaven did open at Elijah’s prayers. The fire “flooded” over the sacrifice he had brought. They say God has given Elijah the keys of Heaven and let him open and close it, and in this way people get rain or drought. Christians celebrate the Great Holy Prophet Elijah on the 20th of July. Saint Elijah is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, which develops bold notes of spices, dried plums, chocolate and accents of berries, spices, vanilla and butter. Dense and velvety, with pleasing and elegant tannins, the wine has a friendly structure but also a depth that dries you to the sensation of spice and wood. Its structure indicates that wine has good potential for evolution and aging.  

Intense crimson

Sour-cherries, dry plums, chocolate

Friendly, graceful, smooth finish;
14% vol.

Caramelized pork