Home Wines The Inmost Oltenia Cupola sanctis Sfânta maria
Virgin Mary was blessed to give birth to the Son of God made man. She is “more honest than the cherubim, yet more praised, beyond any semblance, than the seraphim”, even if the cherubs and seraphs, the immortal beings God created in the beginning, master the angels and the archangels. The main celebration of the Virgin, Assumption of the Mother of God, known as Saint Mary’s Great Day, is on the 15th of August. Birth of the Mother of God, known as Saint Mary’s Little Day, is celebrated on the 8th of September, Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple, on the 21st of November, and Annunciation, on the 25th of March. Orthodox and Catholic Christians also feast Solemnity of the Holy Mother of God, Protection of the Mother of God, The Life-giving Spring, Conception of Virgin Mary by Saint Anne, Placing of the Venerable Robe of the Most Holy Mother of God, as well as Placing of the Venerable Belt of the Most Holy Mother of God. Saint Mary is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, which develops bold notes of spices, dried plums, chocolate and accents of berries, spices, vanilla and butter. Dense and velvety, with pleasing and elegant tannins, the wine has a friendly structure but also a depth that dries you to the sensation of spice and wood. Its structure indicates that wine has good potential for evolution and aging.

Intense crimson

Sour-cherries, dry plums, chocolate

Friendly, graceful, smooth finish;
14% vol.

Caramelized pork